Writing to Set Intentions

Posted by Gabby Meyer
Published On Aug 13, 2021

Setting intentions improves focus, mental clarity, and overall happiness. We recently wrote about the benefits of goal setting and the power of writing, but we also want to touch on the importance of emotional intentions when it comes to trying new things and embarking on new journeys.

The process of intention setting looks a little something like this:

You’re taking on a new project, job, or life change, and you aren’t entirely sure what to expect. You have goals related to this new adventure, some are financial, others are related to professional growth — setting an intention related to your new endeavor would be a consideration of mental and emotional gain. What do you hope to learn from this experience? How do you intend to grow in ways unrelated to money and job title? What are your definitions for success?

Intention setting is a sort of self check-in that allows you take inventory of your needs and your desired outcomes for the future. But how would the process change and improve if those intentions are written down?

As we know, writing enhances our ability to process emotions, and even increases the likelihood of achieving our goals. However, setting goals can be a bit more straightforward than setting intentions. You see, goals are often attached to tangible things. As we mentioned earlier, you might set out to complete a half-marathon or maybe your goal for the year is to spend more time reading. Goals may be more consciously measurable, which makes writing them down an enhancer to the existing process.

Intentions require a bit more foresight and in-depth thought. In addition to giving yourself a measurable goal, bring your intentions to the forefront of your mind by writing them down. Journal about how you want to feel throughout a new process. Putting a pen to paper makes those intentions more realistic and changes them from a passing thought into a very real and conscious task. Maybe your intention when starting a new job is to feel more in-control of your life, or maybe you want to feel more passion and connectedness in this newest journey. Whatever it is, it’s never a bad idea to write it down.

Writing to set intentions can also help you discover new intentions you didn’t know you had. The writing process often starts out one way and ends in a completely different direction. If you’ve ever journaled or used writing prompts in the past, you’ve probably recognized that your writing and thoughts can end up in a new place, on a tangent that you never expected. You might notice a few intentions that you never previously had — were there things in your last job that you don’t want to have in your new job? Writing may help you find out.

Another important aspect of writing to set intentions has to do with taking accountability. Keeping up with a semi-regular or regular writing schedule can help you stay on track and determine whether or not you’re actually fulfilling the intentions you originally had. Check in with yourself to figure out whether or not you’re actually on the right path. There’s a chance your intentions have changed — maybe the things you wanted in the past don’t feel as important to you now. Is that because you’ve lost sight of what you really want, or do you simply feel other things are more significant now? Writing can help you answer those questions and more.

An important part of mindfulness is the process of intention setting and manifestation. Being mindful of what you hope to achieve can have a considerable effect on your ability to reach your goals and appreciate your journey. To become more acquainted with writing in your daily routine, join Opyrus for free. We provide inspirational writing prompts and content to inspire your journey as a writer.

Topics: psychological benefits of writing

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