You're planning on adding an audiobook to your current novel or nonfiction book. Many people tell you that you have a nice voice, or maybe you're thinking you might save a little cash, and you're thinking about doing your own audio. Is this a good...
Experts are predicting that audiobooks will be bigger than ever in 2018 and beyond, giving authors a chance to earn even more money from already-published works. If you're considering turning some of your work into audiobooks, the most important...
by Yvonne S. Thornton, M. D., M. P. H.
The Opyrus team operates with the belief that there is a better way to enable writers around the world to get their word out. Our understanding of author’s needs and how to help them on their journey serves as a guiding light as we continue to innovate and provide a balance of technology and human touch in our platform.
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