Every author wants to put his absolute best in the work he publishes, but for many of them this can mean running in a never-ending circle. They polish and hone their words, never satisfied and always searching for that one perfect, golden phrase. If...
As an author, you're understandably proud of your books. The idea of having your name printed on the cover of a book sends a little thrill done your spine. It's your work, and you want people to know it. Some authors, though, don't have the freedom...
If money is one of the reasons you have for writing books, your income is regulated by how fast you can write your next volume. Be it non-fiction instruction manuals or romance novels, the best way to increase your income is by putting out more...
Want to see a writer scream? Turn off his computer without letting him save his files. Computers crash, electricity goes out, and people make stupid mistakes. No matter how your work in progress disappears, nothing beats that sinking feeling when...
You've got a lot of support when it comes to publishing your book: book editors, cover designers, beta readers, and a host people who help you market by word of mouth. But what about during the process of writing the book itself? You may think the...
If you spend any amount of time on social media, especially Facebook, you've probably come across the quizzes that are so popular now. What city should you live in? What Game of Thrones character are you? Who's your inner Disney villain? They're...
It's back to school time, that time when most parents rejoice and most kids view with dread. Even if you don't have children, you once were a kid yourself. Everyone knows the excitement and fear of starting a new school year. Those experiences...
The key to truly bringing in the sales for your series of non-fiction books is to become the go-to expert in your field. If you're looking for advice on quilting, container gardening, or model train building, there are some common names everyone...
Whether you love writing your blog posts or only do them when your guilty conscience prods you, it's hard to deny the effect a good author's blog has on book sales. Getting readers invested in your life and words outside of books is one of the best...
The Opyrus team operates with the belief that there is a better way to enable writers around the world to get their word out. Our understanding of author’s needs and how to help them on their journey serves as a guiding light as we continue to innovate and provide a balance of technology and human touch in our platform.
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West Conshohocken, PA 19428