Infinity Publishing Book Signing Event at King of Prussia Mall

Posted by Brittany Lavin
Published On Sep 27, 2014

Infinity’s first author book signing event this past Saturday was a huge success! Our seven participating authors spent the afternoon discussing and selling their books to a steady flow of bustling shoppers at theKing of Prussiamall. The positioning of our sponsor store, Nestology, allowed for prime placement within the busy holiday shopping traffic.

The authors set up around 1 pm, each with a customized table featuring their book(s) and promotional materials. Shoppers were free to interact with one or all of our authors, which created a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Zeni Earnest, author of The Clear Secret and A Cup of Coffee & A Blueberry Muffin, shared her thoughts on the day- “I had a great time and it was a marvelous experience.  To be able to meet and share with so many gifted authors was a thrill I shall remember.”

Look for more book marketing event opportunities like this from Infinity.  Email, if you’re interested in doing an Infinity Author group book signing event in your local area.

Here are a few photos from the event:

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Topics: Book Signing, King of Prussia mall, KOP, infinity publishing in the us, infinity publishing, infinity, book marketing

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