Not all daring ideas are winners. Many authors who have done local radio shows were approached by employees of the station with an offer for the “guest author” to have an hour long radio interview for a mere $350.
The authors were encouraged by the radio station representatives to find commercial sponsors or to pay for the hour themselves. If you do the math, you’ll discover just how many books you’d have to sell as a direct result from the radio program.
Another downer is that usually these “special sponsorship deals” aren’t aired in prime time. Prime time is considered to be during the rush hour, morning and evening drive times, when the greatest number of commuting listeners are tuned in on their car radios. Now just because they’re listening, that doesn’t mean they’ll be ordering your book.
Other costly “deals” to avoid are the ones offered by companies offering marketing services. These marketing services tend to be overpriced and their ability to deliver publicity and beneficial contacts with interested traditional publishers as promised is questionable.
Some of these services offer an introductory price of $799 for national radio advertising that they claim will air an author’s two-minute interview/commercial on over 270 radio stations throughout the United States. Then their price goes up to $950.
Once again you need to do the math to arrive at the breakeven point of how many books need to sell to earn enough in royalties to cover the cost of their services. They have also been sending out tons of spam. This is why it is extremely important for authors to be careful about the marketing services they utilize to promote their book.