Your cover is what grabs their eye and makes potential readers look into your book. But people look at interesting things hundreds of times a day, and most of them don't call for a second glance. The way to entice them, to make them read on and want to buy your book, is with a fantastic book blurb.
With a little bit of info and just enough tease, you can set your plot into your reader's mind so they can't let it go until they buy your book and sit down to read it. Every great blurb is different, but they all have the same basic elements.
The Perfect First Line
The first line of your blurb sets the stage for everything that comes afterward, much like the first line of a book. Blurbs are always in first person, and they set the stage for everything that's about to happen. The cliche In a World openings of movie parodies may sound funny, but they illustrate the concept perfectly. With one sentence you should distill the essence of your entire book and present it to the reader. Spend time with this; it shouldn't be a rushed project. It may take you days or weeks to find it, but when it comes, it will be worth all the wait.
Your Main Character
Introduce at least your main character, and possibly the anti-hero or foil for your hero's plans. Be honest with these characters; don't paint rosy pictures if they're full of faults. Spend two or three sentences laying out their personalities and the reasons they're involved in this particular story.
The Plot
It's been said that every plot has the same basic elements, from classical novels to Pixar movies. Think about these five points when revealing your plot to your readers:
A hero
A situation in which the hero finds himself or herself
A goal, which the hero will use to get free of the situation
A villain, who wants to stop the hero
A disaster, which will happen if the villain prevails
Touch on all five of these points in your blurb, and you'll cover enough of the plot to let the readers know whether or not they want to buy your book.
Tease the Ending
Blurbs never let you see everything. Always write your blurb as a cliffhanger, the juicier the better. Make the reader care about your character, or at least get interested in him, then put the character in a situation and leave him there. If the reader's already invested in your main character, buying the book to see what happens will be their natural response. Just like they used to say in show business, always leave them wanting more. You've got to give the reader a reason to want your book, and a good blurb fits the bill.
It's make or break time with your Blurb...this is another one of the "little things" that will seperate you from the pack!
Keep the Faith and may the Force be with You!