Featured Infinity Author of the Week: Carol Welsh

Posted by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Published On Sep 27, 2014

Carol Welsh, MS, has over 25 years’ experience as an informative, entertaining speaker, and is a popular talk show guest nationwide. She captivates her audiences with her humor and commonsense techniques, such as asking yourself: “Would I like to come home to me?”

Carol’s writing is comprehensive, yet easy to understand. Her supportive tone and heartwarming anecdotes make her book a delightful read. She proves it is possible to lead more meaningful lives. Apply what you learn in this book and your life will change for the better.

Carol lives in Florida. For more information, visit her Web site: www.stopred.com.

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This book is principally enlightening because the author bares her soul which is a marvelous motivator to the reader.  By sharing her private life and explaining her transformation in her forties, she gives the book a feel of communicating directly with her. It takes guts to come clean in your own life and this is one reason the book is so effective.  Along with her life experiences, she shares experiences from her workshops and qualitative studies.  Of particular need is the understanding of children making this a must read for every parent.  Her examination of how to be “an encouraging rather than discouraging parent” is excellent. -Midwest Book Review

I loved this book and the paradigm that people perceive through their senses. I liked Carol Welsh's supportive tone and heartwarming anecdotes. As a scientist I liked the quantitative aspect of self-evaluation and the strive towards balance. Everything fits so well together. It really heightened my sense of perception. - Julia Heinrich, PhD. 

(Carols) book is designed as a handbook for people to use in their personal world of relationships. Used well, this material could enable people to solve relationship problems long before they escalate into serious, disruptive patterns. - Ann Norwood -- Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of our noses, but we need someone to help us open our eyes. Carol Welsh's Stop When You See Red is like a cup of strong coffee. Readers who possess an open mind and determination will find this guide to personal growth insightful. Though the author details how to calculate scores, those who wish to receive a free interpretation can submit their scores to the author's website. Encourage your family, friends and coworkers to take the self-appraisal or sit back and observe their behavioral styles. You might be amazed at how quickly you can improve your relationships. I certainly was. -MyShelf.com

Your actions or reactions to people are motivated by how you perceive them. Through 0741422344understanding the four perceptual styles, the Empowering and Limiting Tendencies, and how to defuse your hot buttons, it’s possible to live a richly rewarding life—guaranteed.

Through this powerful book, you will learn why your actions or reactions to people are motivated by how you perceive them. It includes:

  • The Four Perceptions Self-Appraisal, which reveals how your perceptual styles influence your perceptions
  • The Comfort Zone Thieves Self-Appraisal, which illustrates how and why your comfort zone is shrinking
  • The Hot Button Reaction Assessment that shows you what to do when your reactions drive you up a wall
  • The Wall of Fears that fuels your reactions
  • Charlie Finn’s poem: Please Listen to What I’m NOT Saying, which exposes the masks we hide behind

ISBN: 0-7414-2234-4
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 204 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / General

Order a copy of Stop When You See Red on buybooksontheweb.com.

The Author's 30 Day Guide to Book Promotion

Topics: stop when you see red, carol welsh, author marketing, featured author of the week

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