by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Blogging has become a mecca for book reviews and book lovers have created quite a buzz for new and exciting authors and titles. But how do you guarantee your book is selected for review? Follow these tips for sending a short, sweet and to the point book review request!
1. Subject line. It is vitally important that you include a subject line in your email. This may seem like an obvious detail but you want to guarantee that you book will not get lost in the shuffle of (No subject) line emails. Include your book's title and your author name. Ex. Book Review Request: Tips to Get Book Reviews by John Smith. This will make it easier for the reviewer to locate your email history and easily contact you with the date your review will go live on their site.
2. Introduction. Never start your email request with "Hi, I think you should review my book." Be sure that you have researched the site and the type of books that they prefer to read. If you can locate the name of the main reviewer or the person who fields inquiries in order to address the email to a specific person, even better. Start off the message by saying "Dear So-And-So, I am contacting you to see if you have an interest in reviewing ______ by _______." After this first sentence of introduction you can provide an interesting tidbit about the book or author that will leave the recepient interested in learning more about the book.
3. Book Synopsis. It is vitally important that you include the book synopsis in the main body of the email. This information needs to be at the reviewer's fingertips as with all the reading they are doing, they will not have time to search for your book online to learn more about it. By providing it up front, you will receive a response at a faster rate letting you know if they are interested in your book.
4. Format. Many book reviewers have a preference to the formatting of the book (audio, ebook, print) so it is best to tell them ahead of time which format you will have available for them to read. Ex. "The book is available as an eBook and in hardcover." If they choose print, they will provide you their address and will sometimes use this copy as a giveaway to their loyal readers. An added bonus!
5. Media Kit. It is important to inform the book reviewer that although you have provided them with the book synopsis that you have also attached your media kit. This will give them in depth information on your background, the book, and a sneak peek at your author interview AND the book preview (the first few chapters). They are also more than likely to use this information as a teaser to the book review, which will give you more exposure on the web.
6. Thank You. Always thank the book reviewer for their time and to contact you if they wish to read the full version of the book. This will keep the lines of communication open but it is important to remember that they will receive hundreds of request on a daily basis and it will not work in your favor to repeatedly contact them. Show your appreciation for their consideration and always accept their offer if they agree to read the book, even if it is months from the current date. Up-to-date book reviews help keep the buzz around your book current.
How do you search for potential book reviewers? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Image courtesy of JJR.