Marketing Goal of the Week...Create An Audiobook!

Posted by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Published On Sep 27, 2014

LISTEN UP AUTHORS! Did you know that for the past ten years, audio books have been the fastest growing segment in the entire book publishing industry? People purchase audio books on CD or as downloadable books that transfer right to their computer. Audio books can be listened to in the car, at the gym, while traveling, and more! This week we encourage you to take your title to the next level and bring your text to life as an audio book!

The audio book segment caters to people who love books, who love to read, and love to be Screen shot 2013 08 23 at 8.19.38 PMimmersed in the entertainment of the audio book experience. These are people who will purchase an audio book, then purchase the printed version, and any other offering the author may have on the market - it's like marketing to a brand new audience ten times over! Learn more about the benefits:

  • Your book will be published in the most popular audio format: CD and Downloadable MP3. The downloadable versions of our books are sold at the most important places including Amazon, and Apple’s iTunes Store.
  • Your book will be read aloud by a golden-voiced narrator, recorded in a professionally designed, acoustically perfect studio, using state-of-art microphones and recording equipment.
  • When you publish your unabridged audio book with Infinity Publishing, you get to choose from a range of readers, male and female, young and old.
  • Your audio book will provide maximum exposure for you AND your printed book, by opening up your work to a whole new audience.

Infinity Publishing leads the industry with a high quallity affordable solution for Independent authors. However, it usually cost thousands to have an audio book professionally recorded and edited to be sold. That's where Infinity comes in! We are the exclusive publishers of the 1-hour Audio book series.

For a one-time setup of $599, your book will be recorded by a professional male or female reader.

The affordable series includes abridged non-fiction, fiction short stories, children's or poetry books of 11,000 words or less fitting on a single CD and also distributed via The iTunes Store, Audible and many others. Wondering what it might sound like? Click here for an example. This is a great introduction to having an audio book at a cost-effective price!

For a Free Audio Consultation Call 1-877-BUYBOOK

Do you have an audiobook? Do you often listen to audiobooks rather than read a print or eBook? Comment below and share your ideas!

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Topics: 1-hour audio book series, infinity publishing, book marketing, self publishing, audiobooks

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