by Sherrie Wilkolaski
The holidays are the busiest time of year for most book sales and now is the time to prepare. One of the most common things I hear from authors September - December is that they weren't prepared for the "holiday" rush and the upswing from potential buyers with interest to actually buy their books. Here are five tips to prepare yourself for holiday book sales NOW.
1. Have books on hand. There is nothing more frustrating than not having copies of your book when someone is ready to give you money. Order copies of your book now! Don't wait. You should have at least 100 copies in stock at all times. Why? Authors who have copies on hand...are more likely to sell books, than those who do not.
2. Be ready to accept all forms of payment. We talked a few weeks back about getting your virtual storefront set-up. Make sure you have cash in your pocket to make change and that your smartphone, tablet and website all are equipped to take online credit card orders.
3. Partner with a charity. Everyone is looking for items for charity drives and giveaways around the holiday, so reach out to local organizations now and either donate your books (you'll get the marketing mention AND the tax write-off if it's a charity), or give a portion of your book sales to that charity during the holiday season.
4. Schedule an event that involves your book. Get out there and do a speaking engagement! This could be a book signing, a reading from your favorite excerpt, or talking to a writing group about the self-publishing process with Infinity.
5. Support another author. Work on planning some cross-promtional opportunities with some fellow writers and see what working togehter can do for you both! This could include book reviews, mutual endorsements or sharing media contacts.
One final thought, don't forget about the PR and marketing that goes along with all of the above. Give a gift to yourself and follow these steps and not only will you sell out of those 100'll need to order more! Happy Holidays!
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