Welcome to our Author Interview series.
Today we're featuring an interview with Willie Hyde, author of Paddles the Amazing Rabbit. Our author interview series provides an opportunity for our readers to get to know our authors on a deeper level and also learn more about the types of books we're publishing.
Willie Hyde was born in Malone, New York and graduated from American School of Chicago. He studied Journalism, Art, and Music. Willie has written over 500 songs as well as many poems and articles for different publications. He traveled as a guitar player with a gospel singing group in the 70’s. Willie recently married and moved to Lake George, Colorado with his wife Donna. He continues to write and do his music as there is inspiration everywhere.
Synopsis: Paddles the Amazing Rabbit
Paddles is a lop eared rabbit born in a little village underneath the ground called Bunnywood. He was the only child of Fred and Fran Floppy who were great parents and brought Paddles up to be friendly and kind to others whether rabbits or not.
How did your book come to life?
I wanted to share the story of Paddles to let people feel the wonderful experience that I felt when he was with us. I also wanted to give him his just due for all the happiness and relief he gave to others.
Who is you favorite character in your book and why?
The old gopher, because, he chose to help his enemy without any conditions or remorse. He is the true hero of the book.
How did you name your characters?
I used the all names that would relate to the environment around each one. I also tried to make them fun sounding. The only character in the book without a name is the old gopher.
Where do you find your ideas? Does something trigger them? Do you carry around a notebook in case inspiration strikes?
Most ideas just come to me out of the blue. Sometimes I hear something or see something that can trigger an idea. I have a vast imagination. I usually carry some paper and pen because I do get inspiration for songs, books, and poems.
Can you describe your hero in one sentence?
He is an unselfish, daring, and highly skilled and intelligent.
Without giving away details, Can you describe one interesting scene in your book in less than two sentences?
Paddles goes in to the bank and sees a camera and stops to get his picture taken. He doesn’t realize that picture will change the rest of his life.
State 5 random facts about yourself.
I enjoy writing music, stories, books, and articles. I build miniature wagons, birdhouses, and whirligigs. I am a Christian and proud of it. I am a guitar and piano player and have written over 500 songs. I enjoy living in Lake George, Colorado by Pikes Peak.
Would you ever consider converting one of you stories/published books into a screenplay? And if you could corroborate with someone, who would it be?
Yes I would and I think that someone like Disney Corporation could pull it off nicely.
Where do you want to go with your writing career? Where do you see your writing career in five years?
I would like to make a comfortable living and I see my writing going from Children’s books to novels.
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
I have the sequel to Paddles and another Children’s book called “The Twiddles” ready for publishing. I also have my first novel 50% completed.
What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
I think that it is a good way to get your work in the market and traditional publishing you have to have a name already before anyone will publish your book.
If you were told your stories were unbelievable and no written very well, would you continue to write? What would your response be?
Yes, because it is in me to write and criticism can improve the way it is done. I also think that one person’s opinion is only one way of looking at a certain circumstance.
Why did you decide to publish with Infinity Publishing?
I had a bad experience with another publisher and saw a new author in the local paper. I called her up and she suggested I contact Infinity Publishing as she was completely satisfied so I did.
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