by Sherrie Wilkolaski
If you’re looking for a high-impact, low-effort marketing task to work on today, why not work on setting up your email signature to promote your book. Every day I receive at least a dozen emails from authors who have no email signature or any information in their email that promotes their book. Many authors have missed out on PR and marketing opportunities because without any contact information, I cannot get back to them quickly. Let’s take five (yes 5 minutes) to get your email working for you to promote your book(s), without ever having to look at it again.
The power of the email signature.
Let’s look at the numbers. Royal Pingdom stated in December 2011 that the average corporate user sends and receives a total 112 emails per day. That is a lot of emails. Take a look at the number of emails in and out of your own mailbox each and every day. If we go with a number of 112 per day, multiply that times 365 days per year and that is 40,880 emails that could potentially be used to market you book. That is an incredible amount of free marketing.
What should your email signature look like? (see images below)
Your email signature can be as simple as including:
Your name
Title (Author)
Phone number
Email address
Website URL
Direct link to your online storefront (
Adding in social media links is also very powerful to help build your platform. Here are a few examples:
Setting up your email signature.
No matter what type of email account you have (i.e. Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) there is a feature that allows you to set-up an email signature which will be sent out every time you send a new email. Log into your email accound and find the area to adjust your settings. You can always Google your mail service and "set-up email signature" and it should take you to the instructions. Once it is set-up you don’t have to ever touch it again…unless you want to update your information, of course.
Don’t miss out on PR and marketing opportunities. Get your email signature promoting you and your book today!