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Today we're featuring an interview with J. L. Moore, author of Standing True to our God? Our author interview series provides an opportunity for our readers to get to know our authors on a deeper level and also learn more about the types of books we're publishing.
J. L. Moore
Bio: J. L. Moore teaches comparative religion at the college level, and holds master's degrees in theological studies, religious education, and philosophy. He is the author of Challenging Reflections on the Christian Life: Rethinking the Common Experience.
Book Synopsis: The Black Church in America is perhaps the most victorious institution in the African American community. Yet, when it is compared with sacred scripture, we find that the Black Church is falling short in very significant areas. This book not only highlights where the Church has strayed from the truths of scripture, but also offers a message of hope for those who are willing to embrace the need for biblical reformation.
What should the Black Church look like in the twenty-first century according to biblical teaching? This book explores various topics while providing stimulating answers to that crucial question.
Author Interview:
Why do you think your readers are going to enjoy your book?
I think readers will enjoy Standing True to Our God? because they will sense the ring of truth in what I am communicating in it. As I have said before, it is a small book with a huge message. Anyone who reads this book will understand exactly what I am suggesting, and will more than likely concur that it is the truth.
How long did it take you to write your book?
Believe it or not, it only took me about a month to produce the rough draft of the completed manuscript. I worked on it feverishly during the Christmas/New Year’s break of last year when I had a considerable amount of time on my hands. It underwent several rounds of proofreading before it was submitted to Infinity a few months later.
In two sentences or less can you tell readers something unique about your book?
Standing True to Our God? addresses topics that if taken seriously by a large segment of the Black Church population, the nation could see a revival of biblical reformation in the Black Church of the 21st century.
Where can a reader purchase your book?
The book is available through Infinity Publishers bookstore and through Amazon.com.
Have you written your entire life? Have you always considered yourself a writer?
I have only recently begun putting my thoughts on paper, though I approached it with a bit of reluctance. Originally, I did not want to involve myself in the book-writing process, but I was compelled to believe that this is perhaps one of the best ways to reach masses with a timely message. I do not want to publish a book unless I really believe it has a strong, much-needed message. Standing True to Our God? fits that criterion.
Why do you write? Is it something you’ve always done, or always wanted to do?
I write because I have come to believe that books can reach people that I would never be able to in person. I only write about matters that are seriously in need of discussion. Though I did not previously see myself as a writer, God has given me the means to pursue this path of communication, and I intend to make use of it as long as I am able.
Where do you want to go with your writing career?
Because I only write as pressing areas of concern penetrate my heart, it is hard to say where I see my writing projects taking me. Though this is my third book, in God’s will, it could be my last. However, if He gives me the wherewithal to pursue another publication, I look forward to making that idea a reality.
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
I am currently working on a fourth book entitled The Hardest Thing for Christians to Do. This project can about as the result of a heart-wrenching conversation I had with a dear friend. At the conclusion of our discussion that evening, I knew I had to address this important topic.
What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
Self-publishing works for those of us who do not have the popularity to get the attention of traditional publishers. While most self-published authors would probably welcome the opportunity to get a contract from a traditional publisher, self-publishing companies like Infinity afford us the alternative. In my opinion, self-publishers are very beneficial contributors to the exciting world of developing literature.
Does your family support you in your writing career? How?
My family has always been supportive of my writing projects. Some of my family members have read through the books I’ve written, and my wife enjoyed proofreading the last two. Without their encouragement, I don’t know how I would have approached the task of popular-level writing.
State 5 random facts about yourself.
I don’t like heights, I enjoying long walks, I am a very routine type of person, I try to watch America’s Funniest Home Videos every Sunday evening, and I would like to win a large sum of money for some very specific reasons.
If you had to choose, which writer would you like to have mentored you?
I would like to be mentored by Dr. Norman Geisler, who has authored over 70 Christian books. He is a premier apologetics writer, and I have not only met him, but spent a weekend with him at his home. He is a gracious man, and someone who has made large contributions to the cause of Christ through his many publications.
Why did you decide to publish with Infinity Publishing?
I published my second book with Infinity Publishing because of the overall professionalism of the company. The publishing representatives were pleasant to work, the price was very reasonable, and the quality of the book was excellent. I knew that I would want to work again with Infinity, and that is why I chose them to publish my third book also.