by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Are you on the verge of publishing and not sure what format you should publish in OR if you should consider publishing an eBook vs. print vs. audio? Let me help you out. You want to say, “YES!” to publishing an eBook version of your title. Of course you do want to offer your book in print and audio, but still so many authors are asking me about eBook publishing and if they should take the plunge.
Publishing Print, eBooks and audio simultaneously.
There is no reason to hold off on publishing your book as an eBook. You need your final print file before you can convert your book to an ePub, so just do it all at once. You can have your eBook published and ready to release soon after your print book hits the virtual book stands. While your eBook is being converted, you can have your audio book in production as well.
eBooks are very inexpensive to publish and distribute.
More and more people are buying eBooks so take the time to make the investment. Infinity Publishing can get your book out to the world from $199-$349. It’s cheap and increases your opportunity to reach more readers. Reaching more potential readers helps to sell more books. There are many readers who prefer eBooks and won’t even consider a print option and this number is growing every day.
Is your book in print and NOT in electronic format?
If you’re an author who is already published in print and you haven’t made the decision to expand your reach to eBooks, let today be your day to take charge of your publishing destiny.
eBooks are no longer the future of publishing, they are now. Contact an Infinity Publishing Author Advocate to take your step into the future of eBooks...
Click here to take an eBook Poll.
Image courtesy of Claudia Gabriela Marques Vieria.