by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Where would romance be without the written word? Or is it the other way around? If you think about it, love is what drives so many authors to write. Whether it is the love for another person, or being passionate about a particular subject, love is most seemingly, on one level or another…always involved.
We credit authors like Shakespeare and Lord Byron for our classic love stories, but I think we should be complimenting their inspiration. Perhaps the subject of their affection wasn’t even aware of the role they played in the writing process. How scandalous. When researching a family tree it’s rare to find things like, “Aunt Hilda on your father’s side inspired Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet. She waited tables in his local pub.” Perhaps the story behind the story, is even more more interesting than finding out you’re a direct decent of Shakespeare himself.
It is fascinating to know the history of where a character comes from and what the motivation was to create the details surrounding a personality or a piece of work. Jane Austen, who is the real, Mr. Darcy? As an author you’re having a romance with your writing every time you put pen to paper.
For all of your writers out there, today is the day to think about where your own inspiration comes from. You may want to thank your own personal muse, by writing something special, with them in mind, on this hallmark of holidays. Would you be as good a writer without that extraordinary someone or something in your life?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Photo courtesty of Billy Frank Alexander Design.