Lucky 13 Social Media Challenge for Authors - #3 Facebook

Posted by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Published On Sep 27, 2014

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

facebook logo resized 600Welcome to day #3 of the Social Media Challenge.  Today we're talking about Facebook.  You may already be on Facebook and using it to connect with your family and friends, on a personal level.  As an author, Facebook is a wonderful social media tool to utilize to help better establish your professional online presence.   To do this, you will want to create what is called a Facebook fan page. This is an extension of your personal account.  You do not want to use your personal account to promote your book(s).  It is one thing to connect with your personally with your family and friends, but for any marketing of your book to the public, you want to use a fan page.

How to create a Facebook fan page?

To create your Facebook fan page we’re going to refer you directly to the step by step instructions at Facebook.  Click here for detailed instructions on how to set-up your author Facebook fan page.  You must be logged into your personal account to set this up. If you do not have a Facebook account set-up, go to  

Facebook fan page “likes”

Once you have your fan page set-up, your goal is to get as many “likes” as you can to your page. The more people that like your fan page, the better.  You’ll see a button at the top of the fan page that says “like” and that is what site visitors will click to show that they like your page.  facebook infinity publishing likes resized 600

How to name your author Facebook fan page?

As an author just getting started, your first step will be naming your fan page.  Once you pick a name, you cannot change it, so be sure to get it right the first time.  You should consider including the word “author” in your fan page name.  Examples:  facebook/pages/john-doe-author or facebook/pages/author-john-doe.  Keep it simple.  You want to use your author name vs. your book title, particularly if you have more than one book.  You’re creating this page to drive readers and fans to “like” you as an author.  On your fan page you want to promote your individual titles. 

Why is Facebook so important for an author?

Facebook is a driving factor in online marketing and search engine optimization.  Google search and other search engines are factoring in key words driven from social media sites, like Facebook and using them as a factor in online ranking.  The more popular your Facebook fan page is, meaning the more “likes” you have on your fan page, the higher you’ll rank in the search engines.  You must be on Facebook, there is just no getting around it.

Facebook Marketing Author App.

Take your fan page to the next level and install the free Facebook Marketing Author App to your fan page.  It will help to better market your book. To install the app go to: It takes less than 30 seconds to get the app onto your page.

Today’s social media challenge task of the day. 

  1. Like the Infinity Publishing fan page. Here is the link to our fan page:

  2. Post the link to your Facebook author fan page in the comments section of this blog post.  This will give you a link back to your page and added exposure to help promote your page.

  3. Send out a message to your personal contacts in Facebook that you’ve set-up a new fan page and ask them to like you.

  4. Install your Facebook Marketing Author App.To install the app go to:

Infinity Publishing’s gift to you.  We’ll like your author Facebook fan page. 

Next, we’ll take a deeper look into posting on your new Facebook author fan page (Challenge #4 Posting on Facebook). 

Another article you might enjoy is How to Use Facebook to Market Your Book.

Topics: social media, facebook, social media challenge

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