In 1980, The Stranger Beside Me sped to the top of the bestseller lists. Although every word of the story is true, it reads like the slickest of murder mysteries. This tale of serial killer Ted Bundy may have been the first mass market true crime...
If J K Rowling redefined children's literature, Suzanne Collins did it with young adult dystopian novels. Her Hunger Games series spent months on the best seller lists, eventually spawning three blockbuster movies and igniting a hot new genre in the...
You've written The End on the last page of your manuscript, and now it's time to edit what you've written. What happens if your story isn't as great as you thought it would be? If your story just doesn't pop and you can't figure out why, you might...
Memoirs can be the most difficult type of book to write, which is really counter-intuitive. After all, it's your life. Why shouldn't you be able to write it easily? By taking non-fiction information and putting it into the fiction form you're...
Fiction series are hot right now; readers love them, and they create an instant audience for future books you'll write. The key to writing a successful series that readers will stick with is consistency. Fans get comfortable picking up the next book...
For some authors, a new site with a unique way to monetize their books is resulting in massive sales and fan interaction. It's called Radish, and it's been growing into a high-paying platform for some authors for over a year. If you're great at...
Writing a novel is a marathon, whether you smash through it in six weeks or take years before putting down the final sentence. Spend time congratulating yourself once you reach that point, but not too long. The real work is far from over. They're...
Once you've typed The End in your manuscript, it's not the end of the book. It's just time to switch hats from author to book marketing guru The back of your book is the most valuable real estate you own, when it comes to selling more books in your...
Are you getting reviewed by people within the self-publishing field? Are you getting reviewed by people who really have an influence on your audience?
The Opyrus team operates with the belief that there is a better way to enable writers around the world to get their word out. Our understanding of author’s needs and how to help them on their journey serves as a guiding light as we continue to innovate and provide a balance of technology and human touch in our platform.
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