5 Reasons You Should Self-Publish An Audiobook For Kids

Posted by Arthur Gutch
Published On Jun 30, 2017

Have you considered tapping into the kid's audiobook market?  

Nobody wants their kids sitting around watching television all day or picking up a book to read only to not finish until the end. The answer to a tv-less life- get the kids to read right? Short attention spans or lack of parenting time can hinder this process- in comes the need for audio-book for kids. NPR even says that audiobooks are reaching a new audiophile audience: children. Childrens_audio_books.jpg

Five reasons to self-publish a children's audiobook this year

1. Children's audiobooks are a traveling solution

As summer travel ramps up we will see family after family lugging tons of bags through the airports. Create a solution for parents to carry one less thing- make your audiobook available for purchase online and consider advertising during peak travel times such as winter holidays, spring break and summer break. Protip: this could be a great time to take out a paid Instagram ad or increase your exposure through Instagram stories

2. Kids can listen to better quality books than they may be able to physically read

A child may be interested in certain topics or books, but the actual reading level is still too high for them. Audiobooks allow kids to explore more than they may be able to otherwise. 

3. You could get picked up by a major publishing house

Publishing houses want to cater to readers of all levels, especially young readers and listeners. With the digital medium on the rise, many of the large publishing houses have developed audio-book series for kids. Consider Penguin's "summer listening series" for children- imagine if your book was advertised and marketed in this way!

4. Remove stigmas: audiobooks enhance reading skills at home and in school

If it was feared that audiobooks would hinder children's learning to read, it's the opposite according to reading specialists. Simultaneously listening to audiobooks while learning how to read can improve language acquisition and real-life experience/critical thought processes. Just another reason to help you gain popularity with the parents at home. 

5. Go a step further and consider the whole family

Family's are looking for ways to find common interests and spend more quality time together. Consider creating an audio book that is for both children and parents and open your market even more. Travel & Leisure Mag featured an entire article on this genre alone. 

Have experience self-publishing an audio book for kid's? How has it been a great choice for your publishing career? 

Keep the Faith and May the Force be with You!


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