5 Author-Recommended Tools for Dictating Your Books

Posted by Arthur Gutch
Published On Jan 17, 2018

Thousands of authors have made the switch and gone to dictating their books instead of typing. Dictation almost invariably increases word count by at least 50 percent, so genre writers who need multiple books each year find it the key to keeping up with hungry readers. Here are five of the best tools to use with dictation, according to prolific authors who turn out books fast using this method for keeping up with production. book_dictation_self_publishing_author.jpg

1. Dragon Naturally Speaking or Speechnotes

There may be other, minor players in the dictation world, but this is the king of them all. If you have a PC, get Dragon 13 Premium or better. Avoid the Home version, authors invariably want to upgrade soon after buying home, due to its inability to use transcription. 

If you have a Mac, don't bother with the Dragon for Mac version. You'll search forever before you find an author who likes it. Install the PC version on an old or cheap PC laptop, or run a Windows environment via Parallels to use Dragon on your Mac.

2. Yeti Microphone

For working at your desk or work station, the Yeti microphone by Blue Mic is the choice of a wide variety of authors and podcasters. It's a solid piece of technology, and you'll be amazed at the improvement in your accuracy once you make the switch. If you want to spend a little less on your mic the Snowball also by Blue Mic also an awesome choice.

3. Voice Recorder

Sooner or later you're going to discover the freedom you can have in writing away from your desk. Using a handheld voice recorder, you can write your books on your daily walk, during your morning traffic jam, or laying in the hammock under a tree. A high-end voice recorder will save your words and allow Dragon to read them, tranferring them to your text files.

4. The Writer's Guide to Training Your Dragon

Scott Baker is the guru for all things Dragon. If you're not sure where to start, his book is a gold mine of information. He'll teach you how to install and train the software so that you'll get the best accuracy from your first dictation session. You can find the eBook on all major retailers, plus the audiobook on Audible.

5. The Dragon Riders Facebook Group

Begun by Susan Kaye Quinn, this group of authors is serious about their dictation writing. Not a social group, it's all business and filled with helpful advice. If your goal is to write at least one book a month, you need the support of this group.

Like anything else that is new it will take some time to get your rhythm...be patient and stick with it!

Keep the Faith and May the Force be with you!

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