Steller Stories, an iOS app that is now accessible on your desktop is a highly stylized application created by former Google and Microsoft experts to help users share stories about anything and everything you can imagine. It should come as no surprise that book authors of all types are catching on to the app's popularity. An easy to tool to use, authors can "extend" their story to new audiences while forming yet another tool to add to the author marketing portfolio.
1. Profile. In mere minutes you're set up with this app- open on your device or online, create a profile bio featuring you as an author and title of your book, a photo of you or the front cover of your book and you're set.
2. Follow others. Next order of business is following other users- similar to other apps such as Pinterest or Instagram, follow the competition and other authors, related industry experts, news outlets etc.
3. Interact. Steller allows multi-functional communication so make friends with those you've connected. You can comment directly under stories and within stories, a very unique feature to take advantage of. Interacting within a story will help your profile get more notice and others interacting directly with you. If you tend to be introverted, this is a solid way to make it seem that you're not that shy!
Tip. If you notice other authors with similar stories or products, ask about co-creating a story and featuring it on your blog or on Instagram as a giveaway.
To decide, take a look at who you've followed and who is following you back, see who is interacting with you and what types of content they're liking and fanning. See how your topic fits into those styles. Your possibilities are rather endless here, but users do like stories, so no matter what you decide to share, tell a story at the beginning or end of your Steller slideshow.
Remember, be sure to place a social media icon on your website so fans can connect. Already using Steller? Tell us how other users are interacting with your stories!
Keep the Faith and May the Force be with You!