Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

David J. Friedman – A Man with a Plan

Written by Brittany Lavin | Tue, Dec 27, 2011 @ 09:35 PM

By: LinDee Rochelle

As authors, we consider our muse's first nudge to write a book, divine inspiration. Often our thoughts don't go beyond that initial idea until we're popping the champagne cork at a book launch party.


Some authors however, see more than just a book at the same instant of inspiration - they envision a brand, an opportunity, and a very grand future for their book. David J. Friedman is such an author, and we can all learn from his foresight.


When David finished  Fundamentally Different and submitted it to Infinity, he wasn't quite sure how to begin the next phase - creating an effective marketing and promotion campaign. His timing was good, and he relied on elements from his book and twenty-seven year business career to carry him forward; but he was a new author and marketing a book defies normal marketing avenues.


Though creating a marketing plan is highly recommended, when queried, David responded, "To be honest, I did not create a marketing plan. I initially wrote this book more as a goal to accomplish - a thing to cross off the list more than anything else. ...Let me just write it and I'll think about the rest later." Sound familiar? (I'm guilty, too.)


So when should you be thinking beyond the initial burst of sales to family and friends? David had the right idea - practically from the moment the manuscript leaves your hands for publication - and some say even before.


But what comes first? David's approach was very effective. "I put together an email distribution list. I used Constant Contact - fabulous program - so user-friendly. I looked through every contact I knew from anywhere; who did I know from business, friends, relatives ... the cornerstone was the email campaign."

  • His first email blast went out while his book was in production, announcing its publication.

  • He created a website in preparation for the book's debut.

  • Sent out another email campaign, with a reminder of the publication date and announced the new website and included a link.

  • To maximize his exposure his book was published and distributed in all formats (hard cover, soft cover, eBook, and audio), David continued sending emails every 4-6 weeks, to announce their availability.

Marketing in the book industry was a foreign language to David, so he hired a book marketing expert who assisted him with creating and implementing further marketing strategies:

  • Posted a sample chapter for his website in both print and audio

  • Social media marketing via Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter

  • Virtual book tour through blogs

  • Selected key words to support his content for long-term SEO growth

  • Press release (with a video clip!) to major media to obtain radio and TV guest spots

  • Worked a media coach to enhance his on-air & in-person appearances

  • Used Infinity's Sponsorship Program which prepares his book for corporate client distribution.

David's book marketing program is branding Fundamentally Different and establishing him as an expert in his field. You don't need your book in hand to begin the hype. Is your book in production? Roll up your sleeves and work on your marketing ideas while you wait. To schedule your free Infinity marketing consultation and learn more about how Infinity can help market your book, email your Author Advocate directly, or marketing@infinitypublishing.com. David did, and he's off to a great start!