By: Penny C. Sansevieri
Everyone loves a bargain. And, bargains drive sales. Here’s a great way you can explode your sales:
Call a bargain what you want: a discount, coupon, sale, bonus package, gift with purchase, etc. The point is, people love it. Several weeks ago, we tried an experiment. We decided to bundle my latest title: Red Hot Internet Publicity, with an older book called Book Promotion Made Easy. By older I don't mean outdated, I mean that it was an evergreen title, older to the list so the author had moved on from aggressively promoting it. The match was perfect and on the first launch our sales of Red Hot Internet Publicity quadrupled. I was stunned.
For many publishers, a backlist is either gold or stagnant. In either case, there's likely a title that you can pair up with a newer one you are promoting. In the case of the bundle mentioned above, I didn't even write Book Promotion Made Easy. So if you're looking for pairing options and you don't have a suitable book in-house to pair it with, consider co-promoting the titles with another author. Not only will you get a quality bundle, but if they have a list they can promote it to you can participate in their promotion as well.
The breakdown was easy, here’s how we did it. We bundled together my new book Red Hot Internet Publicity with Book Promotion Made Easy. Total value: $30.95.
Red Hot is $18.95 and Book Promotion Made Easy is $12.00.
Book Marketing Experts offered the bundle that offered both books for $20. That's a 35% savings or $10.95.
Want to know how we did it? I’ll tell you and here's how you can create your own special website promotions to double or triples sales from your site:
-Analyze your book and its cost.
- Look to raise the price of the bundle "a bit" to cover the cost of the add-on or bonus item. - Offer great value to your customer.
-Look for bonuses you can add in. Successful examples include a booklet, book, eBook, checklist, article or special report. An MP3 audio program or CD.
The key to success is to offer a bonus or package that is Valuable to your customers. That [value] drives sales.
-If you’re going to partner with someone to do this (and what a great idea!) then contact the author/seller. Most vendors, inside and outside publishing, love to make bulk sales at a steep discount. Often 70-80% off retail.
-Don't want to spend money or pair up? No worries. As an author or publisher you can write your own special report, booklet, eBook, etc. Just make sure it has a significant value.
-Assign a value to your new publication. Some eBooks have a price of $9.97, $17, $17.95, $19.95, $24.50 and in some cases even higher. Set the price based on your market's perceived value of the product.
-Round up the price. Make it easy to make a purchase and the dollars and cents clear.
We rounded up the price of Red Hot Internet Publicity from $18.95 to $20 and gave away Book Promotion Made Easy for $0.00.
It’s important, however to explain the savings clearly so the customer sees the great value you're offering.
-Add a special landing page to your website that promotes your special offer.
-Link the landing page (offer) to your shopping cart, PayPal, etc.
-Fill the orders asap. Buyers are a very impatient group these days.
-Promote your package to your mailing list and if you’re partnering with someone, make sure they promote it to their list as well.
Book bundling is a fun and easy way to increase sales of virtually any book. I have found that when I pair up Book Promotion Made Easy with mine at speaking events, I quadruple the sales there as well. Two books for $20? You bet that’s a great offer and not only that, it moves books and moves them quickly.
Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert and an Adjunct Instructor with NYU. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. She is the author of five books, including Book to Bestseller which has been called the “road map to publishing success.” AME is the first marketing and publicity firm to use Internet promotion to its full impact through The Virtual Author Tour, which strategically works with social networking sites, blogs, micro-blogs, ezines, video sites, and relevant sites to push an author’s message into the virtual community and connect with sites related to the book’s topic, positioning the author in his or her market. To learn more about Penny’s books or her promotional services, you can visit her website at To subscribe to her free ezine, send a blank email to: Copyright © 2010 Penny C. Sansevieri