This past Saturday the Pearl S. Buck Writer’s Conference was held at
The first speaker was Chris Stanley, a content specialist for the Journal Register Company. Chris, who was the first online editor for The Reporter in 2007, used his techno-savvy skills to explain the art of social networking. In his talk he explained how to set up and use social networking sites like Facebook and twitter.
The next speaker was Suzanne Zoglio,Ph.D., a psychologist, author, and motivational speaker. Suzanne took Chris’s speech to the next level by explaining how authors can utilize these social media networking sites to promote their books.
The third speaker, Arthur Gutch, CEO of Infinity Publishing spoke about how author originated publishing movement has taken off. Author originated publishing puts the author in control of their book and how they want to promote it.
Also in attendance were Infinity Publishing authors Bob O’Connor and Dave Wilson. Both authors spoke about the journey of publishing their books and how they go about promoting them.
Bob O’Connor, (The Life of Abraham Lincoln as President, The Perfect Steel Trap: Harper’s Ferry 1859), promotes his books at numerous events, supermarkets, and librairies.
“Anything you can do to promote your book- do it!” O’Connor says.
“The response from the attendees was really positive,” says Gutch, who gave away a first editon of “The Good Earth” by Pearl Buck to end the conference.
Pearl S. Buck International is a nonprofit organization continuing the legacy and dreams of our founder, author, activist, and humanitarian, Pearl S. Buck. For more information, visit our website at