Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Beyond the Bookstores - Other Profitable Markets for Published Books

Written by Brittany Lavin | Mon, Mar 14, 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Do you want to sell more books???  Brian Jud’s title, Beyond the Bookstore, is a Publishers Weekly book that shows authors how to sell their books to the vast non-bookstore markets.  These markets are more profitable for the author because these specialized booksellers order books directly from Infinity and not from Ingram.  Mr. Jud’s book describes hundreds of ways to find and contact prospective buyers for fiction and non-fiction titles who will order from Infinity.

Beyond the Bookstore will help you discover the names of buyers who could be looking for books just like yours—and they’ll order directly from Infinity. You will learn simple hints for successfully contacting prospects, and how to save hours and hours of doing endless research looking for them. 

Beyond the Bookstore can help you increase sales and profits.  Also included in this special deal is The Marketing Planning CD-ROMTM. This has a customizable marketing timeline to help you get all your projects done on time and in the right sequence. It also provides you with templates of easy-to-use formulas for controlling your expenses.  This simple tool will help you to measure the cost-effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make your investment of time more fruitful.

According to Dan Poynter, author of The Self-Publishing Manual, Beyond the Bookstore is “outstanding and very insightful.” John Kremer, author, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books says, “If you want to sell outside the bookstore market, read this book now.” And as John F. Harnish, Infinity’s Special Project Director, says, it “effectively describes new ways to successfully sell Infinity titles to blossoming non-bookstore markets."