Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Blog Writing for Authors 101

Written by Brittany Lavin | Wed, Jan 19, 2011 @ 12:00 AM

If you are subscribed to our daily blog, you already know how quickly blogging has become essential to social networking. We believe all of our authors should have blogs in order to market and promote their books to the world.

There are numerous reasons why you should be writing a blog. However, one of the key factors is that many people don’t know how to write a blog.

Therefore, this week I decided to give you all a brief and simple blog writing tutorial.

Ready? Let’s start with the two key questions that come up when starting a blog.

-WHO are you writing for?

-WHAT are you writing about?

It is important to focus on the WHO. Who do we want to attract to blog? Obviously, you want to attract your audience and potential readers/buyers of your book. Reaching your fan-base is your main goal. What you are writing about can vary from your book specifically, your genre, what other authors in your genre are doing, etc.

Here are some important things to remember when writing a blog:

  • Articles don’t have to be extremely long- most are a few hundred words. Shorter is better—it’s all about putting in the maximum amount of information in the least amount of words. Average blog posts are between 500-750 words.
  • Don’t be too sales-focused or talk all about the company and services.
  • Make sure the info is interesting and relevant. Readers don’t like boring information. Sometimes adding a personal touch can help so put some of your own POV in.
  • Use links. Support your post with links to sites that are contextual to your post.
  • Use lists. (Top 10 lists, 10 things you don’t know about the industry etc.)
  • Make sure to remember WHO you are writing for and to write like you are speaking to them.
  • Make up a catchy headline and use KEY WORDS.  (Key words are words that appear often and are the main focus of your blog. These help make Search Engine Optimization easier.)
  • Spell check and edit!!

So now that you have finished your quick and easy blog writing tutorial- get out there and start blogging!

Photo by:  openDemocracy