Writers who used to wait years to see their books published are moving in droves into self publishing. EBook publication allows authors to bypass the gatekeepers of traditional publishers and allow the readers to judge for themselves how good their work is. This means you're completely free to publish your books your way. This freedom means you're all on your own or the skys the limit when it comes to book marketing, your mindset will make the difference.
If you want readers to find your book, you're going to have to spread the word. Even with traditional publishers, it's more and more common to see an author marketing his own works rather than being able to rely on their publisher to do the job. They'll spread the word about Stephen King and James Patterson, but the rest of us are on our own. Hundreds of websites exist for helping you to market your book. Here are 25 popular sites for you to reach out to and make it happen!
Some are paid and some are free, but newsletters are among the most effective ways to market your work. Genre specific newsletters are often easier to get into, as they'll reach fewer readers, but each one has its own rules for submitting a current book. Fill out an application to market your paperback, audio book or eBook. It can take weeks or months to see your book on the most popular newsletters, but the publicity is worth the wait.
Book Tours
Book review sites can make your sales numbers sing, but who's got time to seek out and contact dozens of site owners, then convince them to read and review your book? Virtual book tour owners have already done that work for you. Sign up for 20 to 50 different stops on your tour, and your book will be featured on dozens of book review sites, reaching thousands of potential new readers. Some book tour sites also feature drawings to whip up further interest in your book, and they'll use copies of your books as prizes.
Social Networks
If you're not convinced of the power of social networks, look at the movie Paranormal Activity. Its producers created the buzz for this film completely on social media sites, with absolutely no other advertising before its release. It's tough to get a million hits right out of the box, but with the right campaign you can increase your readership significantly. Keep in mind that this is a social activity, so only post marketing about 10 percent of the time. Spend the rest of your posts on other author's works, interesting tidbits about your writing process, or funny posts readers will love to share.
Book Shelves
Avid readers love to talk about the books they've read, both good and bad, and the internet is the perfect place to do this on a worldwide stage. Virtual bookshelf sites allow readers to list the books they've read, give the books reviews, and talk about them with other book lovers. Get your book on a good bookshelf site and the word of mouth can push your book up the rankings. The key to these sites is to join them as a reader. It's a subtle process, as any blatant marketing can be seen as being pushy, but those who follow the rules can see great gains in their book sales.
And Finally...
One of the most effective ways of marketing your work is to create an email list and send out a monthly newsletter. Set up an account at an email marketing site such as MailChimp, then add the link to your signup page in the back matter of your book. Readers can sign up immediately after finishing your work, and you can keep in touch with them, letting them know when your next book will be on sale. In terms of making loyal fans with a personal interest, there are few methods better than your own newsletter.
Keep the Faith and may the Force be with You!