Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Marketing Goal of the Week...Write Your Next Book!

Written by Sherrie Wilkolaski | Mon, Sep 23, 2013 @ 01:00 PM

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

When brainstorming up your newest marketing plan as an Infinity author, why not taken pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and start on your newest book? Crafting an appealing book is 90% of the marketing battle. After all, good “word-of-mouth” is some of the best advertising you will find but only if you have an appealing book to talk about. However, in addition to writing a fantastic book, the next best marketing tactic is to write more good books.

Ever heard of "binge readers?" Binge readers find an author they like, and they then seek out and scoop up every single title that the author has written previously. It's a win-win for authors and book lovers alike. Each new title you write will broaden your name recognition and generate more sales for all your previous ones.

Lacking inspiration and stuck with a bad case of writers block? You don't necessarily have to write new indiviudal books. Better yet, expand on one of your books to create a series. Start a trilogy or work on the prequel or sequel to your current title. Branch out and write a new story from another character's perspective. Foster your fans' addiction and have them eagerly await the publication date for each new installment. This will not only grab the attention of loyal readers but market to new fans who will ultimately buy previous books in your series.

Bestselling authors expand their audience over time, so now is the time to write and publish your next book. Infinity Publishing is here to help you along the way and provide you with the easiest and most comprehensive self-publishing experience. Learn more about our publishing services today!

Image courtesy of ugaldew.