Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

An Author’s Guide to a Successful Media Kit

Written by Sherrie Wilkolaski | Wed, Aug 28, 2013 @ 01:00 PM

by Chelsea A. Reid

As an author, your media kit is the key to your success when pitching for interviews, book reviews and more. A press kit or media kit in some circles is a kit (essentially a collection of media items) beneficial and related to the individual business or person. Remember to keep in mind most press kits are tailored to fit an individual’s needs. Follow us through this guide and learn what you as an author should include in your media kit!

Author Bio: No more than a page, an author’s biography should be inclusive and descriptive of the writer. It should include basic background information as well as writing and skill set experiences outside of the author’s book(s).

Headshot: A head shot is a great piece to have in a press kit. Not only does it give the recepient a chance to see what their potential client looks like, but it allows for a personal connection and the ability to separate you from the masses.

Book Synopsis: Whether it’s your first book or fifth, a book synopsis is an essential tool to give the people a quick taste of your plot, characters and most important: writing style. The outline can be anything from an excerpt to a more in depth look into the story. Whichever option you choose, however, should have a hook and leave the publisher/agent wanting more.

Press Release: A press release is a written or recorded piece of communication directed at the public to announce something newsworthy. Your press release could be about a book signing at a local bookstore, or the release of your first book. A book trailer would be a great recorded press release to have and a creative piece to include in your press kit.

Social Media: Most authors, if they don’t have a website should at least have a Facebook and Twitter, so that the recepient of your media kit can see how prevalent you are on the internet in relation to fans. (*TIP: Make sure that when including the links you have the address simplified as much as possible).

Extra Kick: The “extra kick” as I like to call it is something small included in your press kit that leaves a lasting impression. It doesn’t have to be a grand dramatic gesture, but something as simple as a a link to where they can download a free copy of your eBook. The “extra kick” is something that they can not only hold on to, but give out to people at different opportunities. The key is to be creative while remaining professional.

Thank You Card: A classy touch, it reminds the reader of the press kit that you, as the author, are truly thankful for the time spent looking at the contents of the kit.

Being an author is a difficult feat, and with all the competition that surrounds most writers, being prepared is a must. With a press kit, an author is able leave an impression on the media, agents, publishers and even their potential audience (including bookstores and conventions). It’s a true asset and will ultimatley leave a lasting impression; make it a great one!

What have you included in your media kit? Share with us!

Chelsea A. Reid is currently a senior at Delaware State University majoring in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations/Marketing & Advertising and a minor in Studio Art. She is currently a Marketing intern for Author’s Boutique and is working towards become a successful Public Relations and Marketing Practitioner.

Image courtesy of christgr