We're Celebrating the Holidays Not Once...But Twice!
Get your first gift now: Save up to 20% on our publishing packages and get FREE rush track printing - a $100 value.
Get your second gift in October: Receive your books in time for holiday sales.
But hurry! Our Holiday Book Sales offer ends
It's not too late to publish your new book in time to take advantage of the holiday sales. While most publishers take as long as 12 - 16 weeks to get your book published, Infinity Publishing puts you on the fast track with 3 to 4 week delivery - that's half our normal publishing time and we waive the fast track fee!
That's a $100 Savings IN ADDITION to your 20% discount valued up to $1,040 on any of our all-inclusive publishing packages or 10% discount on any of our a-la-carte publishing package prices.
YOU MUST ACT NOW! Orders must be received by August 31 to qualify and your manuscript* submitted by September 15, 2013 for the books to be published by the end of October 2013.
*does not include additional time required for Editorial Services and all necessary files submitted simultaneously.
Click Here for additional information or click here and schedule an appointment to speak with one of our Author Advocates