Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Marketing Goal of the Week...Book A Radio Interview!

Written by Sherrie Wilkolaski | Mon, Aug 19, 2013 @ 01:00 PM

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

Radio interviews are must have if you’re an author looking to promote your knowledge, book or services. You know you need radio interviews, so how can you ensure you ace the opportunity to receive a guest booking? Follow these steps and you’ll be ready for your own virtual radio tour.

Be prepared to be invited. Before making your radio debut, make sure you prepared for the invitation after you send out your pitch.  See that your website up to date, have a media kit ready to be emailed off with any supporting files like photos or articles, and always be ready with several topics that you can discuss, in a moments notice.  Do I need to mention that you need to know your elevator pitch?  I didn’t think so.

Create your own list of questions (and answers.) This is part of being prepared for the invite, and takes it one step further.  You want to make it easy for the show producer and radio host to prepare for the interview.  Put yourself in the shoes of the listener and create a list of 10-15 questions that cover the basic questions someone might ask you when they are getting to know you, and then add a few that offer a deeper perspective.  Keep it simple, who, what, where, when and why are a great place to start.

Make the time. Just say, “YES!”  Be a radio guest that is always available and you’ll be put on the “favorites” guest list, with the opportunity to be invited back as a regular resource. You’ll be one of those guests the show producer calls when they need a last minute guest, when another guest cancels.  You want to be a guest that they can count on.

Be sure to take advantage as an Infinity Author of our EXTRA marketing support with a radio feature! Stay tuned on Thursday for our tips on how to be a rock star radio guest!

Have you been a guest on a radio show? Share your tips with us on getting booked!

Image courtesy of kpeterson