Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Marketing Goal of the Week...A Guide to Social Media

Written by Sherrie Wilkolaski | Mon, Jul 22, 2013 @ 01:00 PM

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

By now we've learned that social media isn't something published authors should fear. Instead it is a tool that we should be embracing to reach out and connect to others both close to us and worlds away. It doesn't have to just be about promoting our writing or new title...but it's a great way to begin if you're just starting out. Let's recap some of the simple ways you can use social media as an author.

1. Tweet your heart out! Twitter is a great way for authors to connect with other writers in their genre as well as loyal readers. Twitter contains an infinitely large network that is ever-growing and changing and it's a great hub to stay up to date with the latest news. You can also spread the word about new titles or works in progress to your followers.

2. Facebook me! Creating a Facebook Fan Page doesn't have to be as narcissistic as it sounds. It's an interactive way for readers to reach out to you and tell you what they think of your latest book. You can also host giveaways and connect your Twitter account to Facebook; keeping your social media outlets linked is a great way for everyone to stay in the know.

3. Blog away! Don't let blogging be daunting. Writing blog articles can be quick and easy, especially if you schedule content out in advance. Your website will stay current with fresh ideas and your followers will appreciate reading your work in between novels. Reveal upcoming book excerpts, in depth character bios or ideas that ended up on the cutting room floor.

4. Go Goodreads! Authors and readers alike can discover and share their favorite reads on Goodreads. Create a virtual library bookshelf and let others know what you're currently reading. Not only is this a fantastic way to get your book title out there but they also have a wonderful, free giveaway service. If you haven't check out Goodreads, put this on your to do list!

5. Get Linkedin! LinkedIn is an incredible tool for authors to connect with other authors and publishing industry professionals. You can connect with different professionals through their "groups" feature and contribute to discussions, find resources and keep up with trends.

6. My Tube is YouTube! Never underestimate the power of Youtube and becoming a viral Internet sensation. There is no doubt that this should be the first place you should promote your book trailer. If you're feeling particularly tech savvy, you could even host mini interviews with other authors or create a compilation of video endorsements for your book.

Which social media outlets are your favorites? Share with us in the comment section below.


Image courtesy of www.sonoma.edu