Opyrus Blog for Authors and Writers

Book Marketing Goal of the Week…Global Distribution

Written by Sherrie Wilkolaski | Mon, Jun 03, 2013 @ 01:00 PM

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

We’re in week three since the kick-off of our Book Marketing Goal of the week campaign. The feedback has been great, so thank you to everyone for reading the blog and for investing in your book marketing future.

This week…we’re focusing on Global Distribution.

Your book may already be positioned with Global Distribution, giving your title the ability to be discovered by as many potential readers as possible.  So if you’re already there, then skip down towards the end of this article to see how you can maximize this marketing tool.  If your book doesn’t yet have this incredible positioning tool, then invest the time this week to make your book available to the world.

Global Distribution will put your book into all major book distributor networks, which means it will have more reach.  More reach = more opportunity for the book to be found, purchased and read.  Isn’t that what it’s all about?  Infinity Publishing offers this premier service and it includes bookstore returnability, which opens the doors for bookstores to be able to order your book directly through regular bookstore channels. 

How does the bookstore return factor help an author? 

As an independently publishing author, you want your book to be positioned along with other titles, published by the bigger houses, and getting your book on the bookstore shelves can do just that.  In short, bookstores only want books with the return clause and that is tied to Global Distribution. 

Learn more about Global Distribution here.

Tasks for the week.

  1. Sign up for Global Distribution if you don’t already have this.  Upgrade now, it lasts for the lifetime of your book.
  2. Take advantage of the exposure.  Contact five local bookstores this week, introduce yourself as a local author and see if they would be willing to carry your book.  Be sure that your website is up today…speaking of websites.
  3. Create a page on your website for bookstores.  Add a page to your website that provides the details on how to order your book.  They can buy direct from Infinity Publishing of course, be sure to provide a link to www.buybooksontheweb.com.  More importantly be sure to include that your book is returnable.  You can post something like this, “Bookstores interested in ordering my book can order directly from the publisher, Infinity Publishing by going to www.buybooksontheweb.com or simply order direct through your current book ordering system, as the book is returnable.  If you have additional questions please feel free to call me and/or email me at…” Include your contact information so that you can be reached directly.

Books that have Global Distribution sell more than those that do not, so what are you waiting for?

Please share the link to your new bookstore ordering page below.