Today we’re talking about LibraryThing, another social media vehicle authors can use to connect with readers.
What is LibraryThing?
LibraryThingis an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.
How should you use LibraryThing?
Once you've created your author account, start connecting with readers who are looking for books in your genre. You can send them an invite to become a friend. The more people you're connected with, the more exposure you will have. If you find readers that have read your book, reach out to them and get their opinion. People love to hear from authors. Also, once you have your account established, you will want to select books that you are reading and add them to your collection.
What NOT to do as an author on LibraryThing?
You should include your own book(s) in your list of what you have read but do NOT rate or review your own book(s). Readers and LibraryThing does not like that. Never rate or review your book(s) on any site.
How to set-up your author account at LibraryThing?
LibraryThing provides detailed instruction on how to set-up an author account, so we’re doing to send you directly to their detailed instructions. It is quite simple. Click the link below:
Today’s social media challenge task of the day.
Create an account at
Set-up your profile in your LibraryThing account. Be sure to add your author photo and a link back to your own personal website.
Follow the instructions to set-up your author account.
Once you have your account set-up, connect with Infinity Publishing and become our friend.
Post a link to your LibraryThing profile page below in the comments section so you get added exposure.
Infinity Publishing’s gift to you. We will friend you back on LibraryThing!
Tomorrow learn all about List My Five (Challenge #8).