by Sherrie Wilkolaski
What if you don't have a blog?
If you don't have a blog, today is the day to kick it off. I recommend or Both are very good options and they can double as your author website if you do not already have one.
If you already have a website, you should check to see if you have a blogging tool already integrated into your website, you may simply have to activate it.
Blogging education.
At the end of last week, I attended a seminar at Hubspot up in Boston. We covered everything from social media to blogging. These guys are the experts in the industry and it was well worth the trip. I would like to pass on to you a link to their blog...about blogging. A variety of different articles that talk about all aspects of blogging. Use it as a resource for today's task and beyond. Hubspot Blog.
Today’s social media challenge task of the day.
Write a blog on your website and include the words Infinity Publishing in the content of the article. We're looking for fun, create and positive content. The subject of the blog is up to you. Talk about your book or your publishing experience.
Include a link back to
Post a link to your blog in the comments section below for added exposure. You should also send out your blog post in a Tweet and post a link on your new Facebook fan page.
Infinity Publishing’s gift to you. We’ll include a link back to your blog with a mention on a blog post at the end of this social media campaign. Don’t forget to register for our blog RSS feed or register via email, if you’re not already subscribed.
Next, we tackle GoodReads (Challenge #6).
Image courtesy of Svilen Milev.