Amazon's CreateSpace publishing arm no longer offers author services such as book design, professional editing, and book marketing. For those authors who relied on Amazon for all aspects of their book publishing career, this means having to scramble to find service providers for these crucial tasks. According to a spokesperson from Amazon,
“After a thorough review of our service offerings, we’ve made the decision to discontinue CreateSpace’s paid professional editing, design and marketing services. We will work closely with impacted employees through this transition to help them find new roles within the company or assist them with pursuing opportunities outside the company.”
This change didn't surprise too many people in the indie publishing world, as Amazon continues to grow larger and move away from personalized services of any kind. That's never been a large part of their business model, and will likely continue to shrink as the company grows.
Amazon's business plan may be all about the numbers, but here at FastPencil/Infinity we've always dedicated ourselves to helping individual authors get the most out of their self publishing experiences. We've always provided free tools to help authors write and proof their manuscripts as well as create their covers and format their books. For those who don't necessarily want to do it all on their own, we offer a wide variety of professional designers, editors, and advisors to help them produce the exact book they've always dreamed of creating.
In order to compete in the crowded field of indie publishing today, authors have to produce a professional product that stands out from the pack. The best way to do this is to gather a professional team to guide a manuscript from first draft to polished product. At FastPencil, we offer these services to make your book the best it can be:
Our company's goal has always been to help the individual author to produce the best book he can, and to help make sure it meets its true potential in the marketplace. If you're an author in need of personalized help in creating and publishing your work, FastPencil has all the professional help you need, all in one convenient place.
Keep the Faith and May the Force be with You!
* This offer is for FastPencil and Infinity authors and prospective authors only.